
Sacred Body Work

Several modalities of sacred touch therapeutic massage are tailored to your needs. For the muscles and joints, different techniques include Swedish Massage, especially good for relaxation, relief of muscular tension, improvement of circulation and range of motion. Other techniques are designed to enhance athletic performance and promote healing post-injury. Releasing chronic muscle tension, increase blood flow, decrease muscle pain, rehabilitating muscle injuries. Deep Tissue Massage accesses multiple layers of muscle and fascia to improve alignment, reduce levels of tension and improve posture and movement.

We like to combine Aroma Therapy and CBD oils with massage customized to relieve stress, soothe muscle tension and support a healthy immune system, using the purest organic therapeutic grade essential oils from around the world to restore health and balance.

Raindrop Technique is a sequence of applying 9 different essential oils to the spinal column in a relaxing and invigorating manor to ward off potentially damaging virus and bacteria while cleansing cellular receptor sites to enhance cellular communication. Detoxifying every part of the body, this treatment helps restore and maintain physical and emotional wellness by improving overall bodily function.

Prenatal massage is recommended during the second and third trimester to help ease the body’s ongoing adjustments during pregnancy.