
Facial Treatment with Foot and Hand Reflexology

Alongside the offerings of Sacred Body Work, your day at the apothecary spa could include a full package of rejuvenation. Facial treatment with nourishing, all organic plant based products woven in with hand and foot reflexology is a good way to really support your feminine side. A steam cleanse, scrub, French clay masque followed by super hydrating peel and finishing moisturizer.

The sequence would start with settling into a comfortable and deeply relaxing position readying to receive the treatment. Warm herb soaked clothes are placed around the face to gently steam and open the pores taking away the first layer of stress. A natural exfoliating scrub made with local herbs clears the way for our own spring sourced French clay masque. While the clay is drawing out deeper layers of stress, foot reflexology begins aiding with cleansing and deeper relaxation in the whole body. Once the French clay is removed after the feet are complete, a hydrating honey base serum is applied to the face in a silky masque with nourishing oils and vitamins to support the skin. While this is enjoyed and absorbed by the facial tissue, the hands receive their reflexology treatment. At the end of clearing the hydrating masque a natural day cream is applied to finish and you are on your way.